Decorum Rugs carries only hand-knotted, hand-made rugs from all rug making regions primarily in Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Caucasus, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, India or other rug making regions in the Near, Mid and Far Eastern parts of the world. Our rugs or textiles are nomadic,village made, city made, and some well produced ‘production’ pieces overseen by master weavers and designers.

We specialize in Vintage and Antique Rugs that are primarily before 1940’s.

We love to educate, share our knowledge, do repairs that include reweaving and re-knotting and are great Rug Enthusiasts and Collectors.

We are a family owned business, located in Michigan and would love for you to visit and shop at our site.

Sale! Antique Malayer runner, ca. 1890, 36″x189″, D0400
Antique Malayer runner, ca. 1890, 36″x189″, D0400
Antique Malayer runner, 36"x139", D0400 Beautiful 19th cen. (ca. 1890) Malayer runner with a Bakshaish border and a herati  (fish and garden) design in the field.  This beautiful antique rug is all wool with all natural, deep-saturated dyes.  It is in very good  condition and will look wonderful in a hall, a kitchen (as shown), or alongside a main rug (in the Persian manner).
Original price was: $1,500.00.Current price is: $1,225.00. Add to cart